Wednesday 28 June 2017

Pushing the Limits

This week's Diva Challenge gave me a bit of pause for thought. Much as I love looking at Aquafleur, and I think it is a lovely tangle, it is one that I struggle with. So having it as the feature tangle for a tile? Well, I felt a bit of dread.

So what did I do? Did I just concentrate on Aquafleur and make what I could of it on a non-challenging white tile? Did I couple it with a comfortable or comforting tangle? Did I make my life easy? Hahahahaaha. No.

Renaissance tiles give me the heebies (which is weird, given I draw and paint on coloured grounds as a preference and love trois crayons), so I got out a Renaissance tile. In for a penny, in for a pound, perhaps.

Diva 322, Aquafleur, Molygon, Crescent Moon, Paisel

Surprisingly, the Aquafleurs worked okay. Still not quite right. I can't quite get my head around how this tangle flows, but they are, for once, on the right track. Crescent Moon and Paisel just seemed to work, so that was okay. So far, so good. But it took me another 45 minutes or so just staring at the tile or maniacally flicking through my tangle notebook before I finally decided what to do. Molygon. Another struggle tangle. That's two pennies in the pound now.

Actually, I'm really happy with the Molygon. I really like the way it turned out. But it and the Crescent section have very different things going on. I wonder if I should have just done one or the other. The Molygon makes the Aquafleur pop while the Crescent Moon sort of... I don't know... behaves differently but equally well. I think later I'll experiment, producing a tile that's just Aquafleur and Crescent Moon and another that's just Aquafleur and that particular version of Molygon, and see how they compare. That could be interesting. And it will make me practice those tangles a little more. Maybe I will find the flow. Can't hurt either way.

Overdid the shading a little. Knowing when to stop is also another challenge. So a challenging challenge this week. It's good to push ourselves.


  1. Your struggles were certainly worth it ... a beautiful tile. I love how your adjacent Aquafleurs seem to combine into one larger spiraling beautiful shape (flower?).

    1. Thanks, Melissa. I'm not sure what that shape is either :)

  2. Wow! That's really stunning! I love the contrast and the color. The Crescent Moon bit is really cool. It's one of my go-to patterns and you've just shown me another way to draw it. Thanks for the inspiration;-)

  3. This tile is absolutely beautiful!!! I especially love the black gems!

  4. You have created a simply stunning piece! Each tangle has so much depth and contrast.
