Tuesday 16 May 2017

Writ Large

No archived challenges today because I kind of went nuts on this week's Diva Challenge.

At the beginning of 2015 I had a lesson with Lianne Woods, the lovely CZT in the Sydney area. If you are on the east coast of Australia, it is worth looking her up and booking a lesson. Anyway, she was getting us to blow up tangles and use them as strings. We got the basics down on several tiles, but I didn't finish them in the time we had, put them in my box and sort of forgot about them. Last week I found them and finished them, keeping as much as possible to the style of tangling I had used at the time. Each one had some patterning already done. The Bb string tile had been closest to completion, I like the addition of the sepia pen and am glad that wavy bar was drawn through the middle. Sometimes you don't know what to do with an area, but it comes to you later. Then this week's challenge came and I realised that some of the tiles fitted the challenge parameters - to use stripes as strings. (There was a Jetties, which could have qualified too, as the stripes in the balls were tangled in. I might share that one another time.)

Even without the challenge I would have shared a couple of these, as I really like the idea of using tangles as strings. Thank you, Lianne!

Hazen string, Squid, Paisel, Msst, Tripoli

Bb string, Zander, Crescent Moon, Finery, Opus, Coaster, Shattuck, Nipa

W2 string, Onamato, Hibred, Finery, Shattuck, Meer, Purk, Akoya,
can anyone tell me what that last one is? I don't seem to have it in my journal.

And then, because I felt I should do an actual tile specifically for Diva day, there's this. Three very broad stripes. I am interested in how my style of tangling has shifted in the last two years, although that could just be because I need my glasses script updated. I suspect that seeing double when the tile is closer than arms' length is not a good thing (she types wryly).

Meer, Pearlz, Flux, Crescent Moon, Mooka, Fescu (doing a Sand Swirl thing again),
Nipa (without the circles)


  1. All lovely, but the last one is gorgeous!

  2. Wow! Super tangles and compositions. I smiled wryly too ...in sympathy with the eyes thing..Axxx

    1. Too much computer time and close work. My own fault. Sigh.

  3. I like them all very much and am also a great fan of using tangles as strings. Using bb as a string is brilliant -- I'll have to try that. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love all your Tiles!! Especially the tangles within a tangle execution! Your stripes tile is very dramatic! Terrific balance and composition!

  5. All are gorgeous, that Bb made me pull out my pin and try to draw parts. Bookmarked to try again later as my skill increases :) Thank you.

  6. They are all very well done, but the last is definitely my favorite. I know what you mean about the eyes...I can sympathize with you. You need to rest them more :) Thanks for sharing!

  7. Wow! All beautiful Megan. Your line work and shading is always superb. Thank you for the mention and suggestion of contacting me if people want Zentangle classes.

  8. I have some double vision that sometimes interferes with tangling, too. Get the new glasses! The vision issues certainly didn't impede your art making. These are wonderful tiles and I love the idea of using a tangle as a string. Well done.
